Kamis, 16 Juni 2016




AHMAD FAUZI RIDWAN         (20215333)


Universitas Gunadarma



1. Concept and Objectives Industrialization

Industry is using the field livelihood skills and diligence of labor and the use of tools in the processing of agricultural products and their distribution as a baseline. So the industry is generally known as the chain of efforts to further meet the needs (economic) associated with the earth, that is, after agriculture, plantation and mining are closely linked to the land. Notch industry further away from land, which is the base of economy, culture and politics.
The initial concept of the industrialization of the 18th century industrial revolution in England is in spinning and cotton production are creating production specialization. further new findings on the processing of iron and steam engines that drive innovation steel and so on. Innovations bar sprung uterus. Industry is one of the long-term strategy to ensure economic growth.
The purpose of industrialization itself is to promote natural resources possessed by each country, supported by qualified human resources, with industrialization, the State berkembanga were able to use properly it will increase the country's economic growth.

2.Faktor-factor Pusher Industrialization

Factors driving industrialization it self is:
   a)     technological capabilities and innovation
   b)    the rate of growth of national income per capita
   c)     conditions and the initial structure of the domestic economy
   d)    large market share DN specified income level and population
   e)   characteristic of industrialization that is how the implementation of industrialization     such as the implementation phase
   f)      keberasaan SDA (natural resources)
   g)     government policies or strategies

3. Manufacturing Sector Development Indonesia

The development of the manufacturing industry in every country can also be used to see the development of national industry that State, since the world economic crisis in 1998, and threshing the national economy, the development of national industry in Indonesia has not shown satisfactory progress. Even the development of national industry, especially the manufacturing industry, more often degenerated development compared with the improvement graph
A research conducted in 2006 by an international institution of the outlook for manufacturing industry in various countries melihatkan hadil quite apprehensive of the 60 countries which are the object of research, the position of manufacturing industry Indonesia is positioned on the bottom along with several countries Asia such as Vietnam, research that examines aspects of the competitiveness of Indonesian products manufacturing industry in the global market, put at the lowest position

4. Problems Industrialization

Constraints for industrial growth in the country is dependent on imports of raw materials and components. The machines are already old is also an obstacle to increasing productivity and efficiency.
These problems has reduced the competitiveness of domestic industry. The Ministry of Industry has been identified. The response is made Enhancement Program Use of Domestic Products.
However, facts on the ground short of expectations.Central government regulations not in line with local government regulations.In fact, among the technical ministries instead of their own policy. In 2010-2014, the Ministry of Industry targets a 8.95 percent growth in non-oil industry and processing industry's contribution to gross domestic product 24.67 percent. 2010-2014 total investment targeted to reach Rp 735.9 trillion.
To reach the target, the Ministry of Industry create a framework of national industrial development. The framework will be the reference for generating the industry to prepare for free trade and the ASEAN Economic Community.
To get ready for it all, according to Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Anton Supit, increased competitiveness is the key factor. Leadership, from the president, senior government officials who would wear domestic products also should not be overlooked.

5. Industrial Sector Development Strategy

National industrial development goals both medium and long term is intended to mengatasipermasalahan and weaknesses in both the industrial sector and to address national issues, namely:
(1) Increase the employment industry;
(2) Improve Indonesian export and empower the domestic market;
(3) Contribute significantly to the growth of the economy;
(4) Support the development of the infrastructure sector;
(5) Improve the ability of technology;
(6) Increase the deepening of industrial structure and product diversification
(7) Increase the industrial deployment.

Focused on these matters and to respond to the challenges above, the industrimanufaktur development policy geared to answer the challenges of the globalization of the world economy and be able to anticipate. The development of environmental change very quickly. International competition is a new perspective
for all developing countries, including Indonesia, so the focus of industrial development strategy for the future is to build the competitiveness of sustainable manufacturing industry in the international market. To that end, the manufacturing industry development strategy forward with regard to the latest growing trend of thought today, is through the cluster approach in order to build the competitiveness of the industry collectively.

The manufacturing industry of the future is industries that have high competitiveness, which is based not only on the magnitude of the potential of Indonesia (comparative advantage) as wide-span region, the large population and the availability of natural resources, but also by the ability or creativity and skill and human resource professionalism Indonesia (competitive advantage).
Wake up stacking the industrial sector is expected to be able to be the main driver of the national economy and become the backbone of the resilience of the national economy in the future. Priority industrial sectors were selected based on relevance and depth of strong structure and competitiveness and sustainable and resilient in the international market.
Industrial development is directed at strengthening the competitiveness, deepening the processing chain in the country as well as by encouraging the growth pattern of networking (networking) industry in the format of cluster that fit well in the group of priority industries of the future, namely: agro-industry, industry transportation, telematics industry, and strengthening the manufacturing base, as well as certain small-medium industries.
Having regard to national issues both at national and local levels in order to increase competitiveness, the development of national industry synergy with regional development is directed through two approaches. First, top-down approach that the planned industrial development (by design) with due regard to national priorities identified and followed by regional participation. Second, the bottom-up approach, namely through the establishment of core competencies that are the hallmarks area so competitive. In this approach the Ministry of Industry will participate actively in building and developing core competence areas. It is at once an effort to improve the welfare of people in the area, which in turn can reduce the levels of poverty and unemployment.


Alpenliebe is one brand of candy that much-loved Indonesian society today. Alpenliebe candy was originally known Indonesian society as candy with caramel flavor. Along with the time, Perfetti Van Melle S.P.A as Alpenliebe candy manufacturers are also innovations on its products by launching new products that Alpenliebe Lollipop.

Alpenliebe Lollipop candy on the market Indonesia that could lead to a dispute with one of the industrial design candy products domestically owned businesses Indonesia. Agus Susanto is a candy entrepreneur from Indonesia who produce branded candy Lollyball Yoko. Agus filed for cancellation of an industrial design Perfetti Van Melle S.P.A for Alpenliebe Lollipop candy product types. Agus lawsuit filed to the Central Jakarta Commercial Court in July 2009. The trial court No. 42 / Industrial Design / 2009 / PN.NIAGA.JKT.PST has entered the final round. The problem comes from the similarity of design with design Lollyball candy Lollipop candy. Industrial designs belong to Perfetti Van Melle is listed in the certificate No. ID 004 058 dated January 8, 2003 with the title Lollipops.

According to Agus legal representative of Pieter Talaway & Associates, the similarity lies in the shape and configuration. But in the lawsuit are not described in detail where lies the similarity. The similarity may mislead the public about the origin or source of products Agus and Perfetti Van Melle so contrary to Article 4 of Law No. 31 of 2001 on Industrial Designs. Industrial design candy Alpenliebe deemed to lack novelty. Therefore, the petition claims, Agus asked the judges to cancel the industrial design belong to Perfetti Van Melle. For before Perfetti Van Melle Alpenliebe candy registering industrial design, design configuration has been circulated widely (public domain). Perfetti Van Melle judged to be acting in good faith in registering industrial designs. Agus has been producing sweets Yoko since 1999. He also has won the trademark certificate No. 460 924 on January 5, 2001. Later extended with certificate No. IDM 000 194 839.

Perfetti Van Melle legal counsel of Soemadipraja & Taher, said Agus lawsuit unfounded. Because Agus never registered industrial design Lollyball so it does not have exclusive rights over the design candy Lollyball. Moreover, exclude others from using the design resembles the design of candy Lollyball. In fact, etiquette industrial design candy Lollipops and Lollyball any different. Etiquette Lollyball candy brand has a wide variety of image elements. In addition, the product design candy stripe on the surface. While, on the surface of striped candy Lollipops with different color alternatives. Itupun line varies, there is a horizontal, diagonal left to right or vice versa and or irregular / variable.

In industrial design law regime not recognized the concept of resemblance or similarity in principle the concept of industrial design protection in Indonesia. Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights Ministry of Law and Human Rights issued a certificate of industrial design for product Perfetti Van Melle showed industrial design registration is not problematic. Do not violate the laws, public order, religion and morality. Industrial design registration certificate Perfetti Van Melle has gone through the process of examining both administrative, substantive and it has been announced. When, announcement period no objection to the applicant's filing of industrial design registration is announced. Perfetti Van Melle's attorney did not assess the Italian company might jeopardize his reputation by mimicking the design of candy from other manufacturers.


Industrial design disputes between Alpenliebe candy Lollipop candy Yoko Lollyball basically started because of the similarity between the two products in terms of shape and configuration. The lawsuit filed by Agus Susanto lack a strong rationale for Agus never registered industrial design Lollyball so it does not have exclusive rights over the design candy Lollyball. In addition, from the attorney Agus also can not explain in detail where the similarities.

Agus lawsuit has been further weakened by the fact that it can be shown that the Perfetti Van Melle etiquette industrial design candy Lollipops and Lollyball different. Not only that, Perfetti Van Melle also be able to prove that the product has been certified Alpenliebe Lollipop industrial design. Industrial design registration certificate Perfetti Van Melle has gone through the process of examining both administrative, substantive and it has been announced. When, announcement period no objection to the applicant's filing of industrial design registration is announced. Under these conditions, the lawsuit filed by Agus Susanto is not strong enough to prove the existence of industrial design infringement committed by the Perfetti Van Melle.

Industrial design candy Lollyball should be registered as soon as the newly created. Lawsuit Agus Susanto become weak because Agus lawsuit itself does not have a certificate to the industrial design on candy Lollyball. Although it has been certified brand No. 460 924 in 2001, but it is not complete without a certificate on industrial design. If the conditions are like this, candy Lollyball only got the protection of the trademark, but did not get the protection and recognition of the design industry. Therefore, the legality of the registration of a product must be complete and is done as soon as possible. This is necessary so that the producers obtain a valid legal protection of industrial property rights for its products

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